Vivienne Chantelle Blake
Vivienne Chantelle Blake spent her last day with us on 16 February 2006, in Auckland, NZ.
Viv was a free spirit, a caring, active and sunny soul who cheered up those around her, who laughed through her days, who led a life full of adventure and risk.
In her short time, she accomplished more than most people dream of, and while she bounced around the globe, falling out of her kayak or raft, smashing her bones, and making a fool of herself while having a bloody good time, she made many lifelong friends who shared her passion for life.
Viv was a free spirit, a caring, active and sunny soul who cheered up those around her, who laughed through her days, who led a life full of adventure and risk.
In her short time, she accomplished more than most people dream of, and while she bounced around the globe, falling out of her kayak or raft, smashing her bones, and making a fool of herself while having a bloody good time, she made many lifelong friends who shared her passion for life.
Her 'United Nations' embrace on life has led me to create this website so that her friends and family - no matter where they are - can post their messages for Viv.
We all loved her, we will all miss her, and we will all look forward to meeting her again one day.
All my love, Eva xox
Did not know her, but from your words, Viv was an amazing woman. Her memory will outlive us all if all talk so vibrantly of her. God bless and keep her and give her family and friends peace.
Vivienne will be brought home to her tribal grounds in Ngaa Puhi. She will lie at Taheke Marae, on State Highway One, Hokianga.
Vivienne will lie in Pukewhekii Wahi Tapu (cemetery) with her namesake, Kataraina Chantelle Rose, her grandmother and seven generations of tupuna.
Vivienne's tribal links span Te Aupouri in the Far North, Te Rarawa in North Hokianga, Ngati Korokoro, Te Mahurehure, Ngati Pakau in South Hokianga, Ngati Tautahi West of Kaikohe.
We grieve with her mother, sister and brother and her father's family in Mahia, Ngati Kahungunu
Posted by her mum's youngest sister, Hiria Rakete
When I found out she had passed away ealier this morning, I felt a deep whole being formed in my heart. Vivienne was the most funniest, out going girl i had ever known. She was always active and she would always play with children. She was always doing something to make someone smile or laugh with joy, but to make us cry, is something diffrent.
I had never thought that she would be gone soooo soon. She had achieved soo much in her life, that its sad to know that she is now at rest. But her soul will remain with us all. Where ever we go, we will rememmber her laugh and her big huge smile, her deep dark brown eyes. Everything about her will remain in our hearts.
R.I.P Viv!!!
Much love to all her friends and family.
Vivienne, Always in trouble but always with a smart answer to get off the hook. I shall miss your witty comments and carefree attitude. At work you were always the professional, an outstanding ambassador for your country with a rare talent and an enthusiasm that spread like the smile on your face to all those under your influence. Impossible to be mad at, but very easy to be friends with. I lost count of the hearts you broke and I laughed and chuckled at the way you handled your admirers. I am going to have a hard time telling your many fans that you wont be able to take them kayaking this coming season. You helped make our world brighter travelling to and from New Zealand but lucky for us leaving some of your spirit and energy each time you visited. Have a peaceful journey this time round and thanks for just being Viv.
Dear Viv.
The person who was smiling, laughing and flirting all the time is not with us anymore. You were a hard worker and professional instructor; it’s not only the guides who will miss you, also the costumers and not to forget the local boys. You appeared had an easy life and I envied your wonderful lifestyle. Travel around the world, enjoying life and had lots of friends. You were also so good to Tor and Julie (both 5 years), you were babysitting if I have to go jogging or shopping for breakfast in town. You were always easy to ask because it seems like you enjoyed spending time with the kids. And they loved you, especially if you and Becky did “leg and a wing”. When I told them this evening that you was not coming back to us this spring but was in Heaven together with Granddad they ask: Then we will never see Viv again? That’s really sad. Julie was holding around me to comfort me and Tor said: It’s not that sad because we have Vikram.(Vik) I am not sure what he meant, but it could be that bought of you have brown skin and dark hair or that the names are similar. One thing I am sure of: I am going to miss you a lot, and it will take a long time before I will realise what has happened. I hope you have an even better time right know and I’m looking forward to see you again. Maybe then we can take the party we didn’t manage this season. Remember you got a bottle of vodka and I got a bottle of gin of those Netherlanders, who come every year,
Lots of love from Gjertrud. Troll Mountain Norway.
I worked with Viv at OPC and often came across her on a river somewhere. I will never forget her crazy stories and her crazy energy and often pitied the students under her care as they were pulled along on some wild adventure. They always came back smiling and laughing along with Viv. I always thought there was a lot of Viv, she has left behind a piece of herself with many many people. My love goes out to her family and all those who were close to her.
Viv I found out that you had passed away this morning and I am still struggling to come to terms with it. It is hard to believe. To Vivs family I would like to express my sincere condolences on the loss of someone so talented and full of life.
Passion lies within all of us but sadly in many situations it is never acted upon or realized. In many it sleeps and waits and never stirs them enough to make them go out and act on it so they can turn their dreams into a reality. In a world where people live in fear more now than they ever did, in a world were there is more threat to us now than ever, in a world where there are more excuses now than there ever was to not follow your dreams in life, you stood amongst the few Viv who said NO! You chose to stand amongst the few who didn’t let fear, or threats or excuses stand in the way of what they wanted to do with their lives and in doing so unconsciously gave permission, and inspired others to do the same. While others have wrapped themselves in cotton wool and let time stand still in preparation for the next terrorism attack, or the next global pandemic to spread throughout the world, or the next natural disaster to wipe them out you carried on living your life as you always have Viv; with passion, and for that you must be acknowledged and admired.
In many ways you achieved more in your life Viv than most do who live into their old age. You have proven too many that by combining passion together with a sense of purpose and fun so much can be achieved in life.
You were a great role model, colleague, guide, friend and instructor. If it is true what they say that teachers teach more by what they are than what they say then you were a great teacher to many people. The world is a better place for having you Viv and I am a better person for having known and spent time with you. Thanks for all the special memories – Midnight swimming at Bully Point is one that comes to mind. Take care where ever you are Viv. I will see your spirit every time I look up to the sky on a clear night and see the stars surrounding me!
Carpe Diem Viv!
Love and hugs. Mal
Sweetest Viv...
A star has gone out on the evening sky and the rainbow seems to be missing a color-we should have known they belonged to you.
Heartbroken, that is how I feel after learning the sad news.
The curly, brown-haired girl, with the biggest heart and smile, with always something beautiful to say about everyone.
Giving and generous, sharing her warm hugs, when You yourself have run out.
Heartbreaking to know I can never see You again, hear Your voice, play with Your hair or share in Your adventures.
Thankful for having You in my life, feeling Your love and sharing Your friendship.
May Your troubled heart finally find peace. My thoughts and love to You, my brown sister and Your bereeved family. Jess -the cookiemonster from Troll Mountain ,Norway.
Like everyone else i was shocked and saddened by Vivs death, the day after she died i opened a box of hubbards cereal & in the newsletter it had a quote "Some people seem to be blessed with general happiness and a positive
outlook on life - their world spins around nicely and others are glad to be with them."
This is how I'll always remember Viv.
Heather Tate
Hey Vivi
when i heard the news...i just lost it, i couldn't believe...i never ever thought u'd do anything like this - your whole familly is in mourning and will always have love for you.
i know that you touched me with your crazy jokes, wild and free spirit and outgoing personality aswell as your love for the outdoors. i'll miss your laugh and storys alot, and thats something i can say and know just from hearing this news.
you'll always be loved, and never forgotten.
I was numb, shocked and heartbroken when I heard the news.
I still cannot comprehend that you have gone and left us.
You were such a beautiful, loving and happy young woman. You went out into the big wide world and had a great time and made many friends.
You, Myrene,Eva,Hemi & Wayne were the tight 5. Now there is a heartbroken tight 4.
You are loved and missed more than you can imagine Viv.
It is said that time heals, but it really just makes the pain tolerable.
You are with those of our loved ones who have gone before you. A place of love and healing.
I know we can count on you to look after our baby. You were realy great with kids.
Thank you for being you and spending time in our lives.
See you again one day, our beautiful brown eyed girl.
We all love you Viv.
Wild, Funny, Fun, Daring, outgoing, CRAZY!! and Loved is how i'll always remember Vivienne.
Viv your always gonna be in our hearts and will be missed SOOO badly!
when i heard about Viv's death i thought Mum was lying, but seeing the tears in her eyes and the look on her face...i knew she wasnt.
Viv was always full of life -
i remember once when she came to visit, she had her kayak on the top of this car and wanted us to go out with her, so we did, she sed it would be easy - but looking at the HUGE waves i reallllyyyyy didnt wanna go out! so she sed she'd go out first then i'll go after when the waves died down a little i sed ok. she got on her kayak and batled the waves till she was almost passed them, then came the biggest wave of the day, and her being Vivienne, she took it, she was riding the wave for a little while, then it wiped her out!
when she got back to were i was standin she looked at me and sed "See kuzz - EASYYY!!!!" i just laughed at her, she had the biggest smile on her face. full of life alright.
Viv travled the globe and made ALOT of friends doing what she done best. it was nice to hear storys about how wild and how much of a outgoing person she was from her work mates and life long friends.
always loved kuzz, when you were alive, and till the end of our dayz, it's gonna stay like that!
Rest in Peace Viv - we'll see you soon...Not too soon tho :-)
always missed, never forgotten
Naku Noa
Na Tiakina
A Friend:
(A)ccepts you as you are
(B)elieves in "you"
(C)alls you just to say "HI"
(D)oesn't give up on you
(E)nvisions the whole of you
(F)orgives your mistakes
(G)ives unconditionally
(H)elps you
(I)nvites you over
(J)ust wants to be with you
(K)eeps you close at heart
(L)oves you for who you are
(M)akes a difference in your life (N)ever Judges
(O)ffers support
(P)icks you up
(Q)uiets your fears
(R)aises your spirits
(S)ays nice things about you
(T)ells you the truth when you need to hear it
(U)nderstands you
(V)alues you
(W)alks beside you
(X)-plains things you don't understand
(Y)ells when you won't listen
(Z)aps you back to reality
You really were ALLLL of that, picked people up, loved them, made a diffrence in their lives and zaped them back to reality with this sad news.
ok im done, finnished posting things now, and my fingers are sore anyway
Ano raa -
Na Tiakina
My darling darling baby sister
The grief and loss i feel right now is unbelievable. I miss you so much. I have soooo many regrets and even though i had the pleasure of knowing you for 26 years, that still doesnt seem like long enough.
Who is going to make me smile now?
Who is going to be there for me when i am feeling down?
Who is going to do the wild things you did and say the stupid things you used to say?
I dont know what i am going to do without you, and i dont know how i am going to cope. I only hope that i can be there for mum and hemi the way you were. Hemi is devastated and my heart goes out to him. I will look after our little brother for you the way you are now looking after my daughter in heaven.
Thank you for being you my sister, and thank you for never backing down on what you believed was right.
Your funeral was sooo sad, i didnt feel like talking, smiling or even laughing. Everytime i saw your lifeless body lying in that coffin, my heart would break in 2.I cant believe the amount of people that came to share your final days with us. From the south Island to Taupo and Tokaanu, Your friends came to pay thier respects to you. It was amazing and overwhelming and i thank them all from the bottom of my heart for being there with us. We could not have got through this without them. You have such wonderful friends and them being their made it feel like you were still there with us. For someone so young, you accomplished so much and i only hope i can be half the person you were some day.
You have left a huge hole in our hearts that can never be replaced.
You were my sunshine, you were my stars, you were my beautiful baby sister. I am going to miss you with every breathe i take, and you will always be in my heart and my thoughts.
I am soooo glad i named my daughter after you viv, she was so strong, so beautiful and so loved, just like you. Please look after her for me, and please watch over us. watch over our brother and our mother, and please, please watch over our new niece that will be here soon, and dont let anything bad happen to her.
I love you and i miss you.
Rest in Peace my beautiful sister
Arohatinonui - Myrene
Well I'm kinda sat here in Uganda having a beer on the banks of the river nile, so much has happened since I got here so many kayaking storys and so many drinking storys and the one person who would find them all so amusing would be Viv or "BLAKE"! as I quite often called her or even Biv but that was only when we we're both really drunk.
I've spent quite a few summers in Norway and the last two would not have been anywhere near as memorable if it wasen't for Miss Blake... In life one always spends a lot of time talking about "remember when's" and all my "remember when's" from the last two seasons have started with "this one time in Norway me and Viv..." all the storys probaly involved kayaking, drinking or some random guy and a lot of the time all three at the same time.
Since the news that Viv has left us I have told these storys more than ever and its made me realise how much fun we really had together, not to mension the amount of times she has saved my ass by... putting me to bed when drunk, covering me at work, finding stuff I loose, getting me back into bars I've been kicked out of and been my memory and remembering the night before.
Been that I'm a kayak chick I can't find the words to express what I'm feeling right now, but what I do know is that "BLAKE" is a top notch chick, the life and soul of the party and the life and soul of the river.
So heres a big cheers to you Miss Blake, thanks for all the remember when's, they will never be forgoten.
Love You. X
When I first got to know you, nearly 3 years ago, having beers at the lokal pub on Byglandsfjord/Norway, I clearly remember the intense SPIRIT and LOVE you surrounded yourself with...Everyone wanted a pease of you..You brought so mush joy!
One of theese nights, i`d had one too many drinks, and needed a shoulder to cry on...And YOU dropped the hole party just to follow me home, talking to me; making me feel better! After this night, I proudly considered you my friend, and I think you did the same, even though I`m not as outgoing and spunky as you were..You left Norway in the winter, but I could count on you texting me one the day of your return the next year..Inviting me to som party or bar-round in wish I seldom appeared..But still, when we met; you would care like we`d met just the day before..
This shows just as kind and understanding a person you were!! Never demmanding, allways understanding, and ALLWAYS with a funny thing to say!! I wish that I had been half as good to you as you were to me!! Just as everyone else I will allways treasure the memory of your smile..your love for everyone around you..your GENUINE interrest!! You were on in a million, and I love you!
Miriam, Evje, Norway.
Sending my love and condolences to Viv`s family and everyone grieving her around the world!
Matere Matere Matere.
Bless you my sister! You were so full of life when I spoke to you just before Christmas '05, I wish that we could have met up after all these years, though I am extremely happy that we did keep in touch buddy.
Love the photo's of you, you look really great girl. My self, Chrissy Jensen, Micah Tawhara and Torie Aro had a few drinks with your photo on Sunday the 19th, and we were cheers"ing" you Matere.
You are so young and full of life Matere, I'm struggling to understand the reason this happened, though some things probably are better not known. It breaks my heart that you felt so consumed with it, that you went this far Matere, but no matter what, I will always think of your beautiful smile and your great personality, with out a bad bone in your body, you always put a smile on my face.
In the mean time, I hope that this quote here will help all of us while we mourn for you...
"I will turn their mourning into gladness; I will give them comfort and joy instead of sorrow."
Jeremiah 31:13
I will always think of you my friend, and everytime I feel a breeze I will wonder if it is you next to me.
Lots of love Matere.
Always - Crystal Utatao A.K.A Spuddacks!!! TMGC Girls. x x x x x
Dearest Matere,
I too am sruggling with the news. I met you when we were only 13!!! You were vivacious and contagious even back then. During our years at Turakina your warmth and generosity of spirit always inspired me. And your sense of humour was outragous.
After only a week of meeting Matere, she came to school with a birthday card for me (even though my birthday was a month previous) and inside this card was a naked black man with a GIANT 'u-no-wot' hanging to his knees!!! Well, needless to say Matere burst into laughter!!! And so did I!!! And so did the rest of the 13 yr old girls brave enough to peek inside my wardrobe!!! I have to mention that even 2 of our matrons came to enquire about the infamous card and both left giggling!!! Only Matere could spread laughter so far and beyond herself, without even trying too!!! My world has been a far better place because I was blessed with your friendship. Thank you darling. My thoughts are with your family Matere, and my love too!!!
"I'll tip a 40 to your memory..."
LOVE U 4EVA ...from Torie Lee XOX
p.s, thanx for helping me pass the maori exam!!hehe! oh, and for buying our stuff up town! You're the shizz...
I went too school with her at Turakina and just remember sh was always...always so smiley and happy nothing ever seemed too get her angry she never faked how she felt..if you looked sad she would never hesitate too come over and just hug was just grouse!! She left her 6th form year and i hadn't seen her until 2002 and of all places too run into her I was in Turangi I saw her in the supermarket recognised her, kept staring should I go up I was saying will she remember me?? I was just about too walk off snobby me and she saw screamed and run all the way down he aisle screaming I woundered when I would run into you!!!
It was just things like that, that made her special after that i always saw her in Turangi she was at OPC so dad would keep me up tp date on where she was cause he was on the board there then rafting season on in Turangi summer I would always run into her.. When kellee R sent the memo I was shocked I am in Melbourne at the moment and just kinda went numb knowing someone our age, so full of life was gone. You will be missed and still deeply deeply loved by those you are no longer here with.My thoughts are with Matere's whanau in this trying time
Our loss is heavens gain definetly
Much love Karlene Kakahi-Mackay
I feel so far away now from the world we used to share in NZ - its hard to believe I won't bump into you again somewhere out there.
You're such a talented woman Viv, tougher in so many ways than many I've met, fun and cheeky and full of life. There's countless people who's worlds will be a touch darker without you.
All my love to everyone who is mourning you right now, especially the friends we share and your heartbroken family.
Dearest Matere
Last time we spoke was 3 months ago, and like always you were cracking jokes, and giggling that giggle - making me smile... Your passing hit me hard yesterday. Me Mama Kazz and Torie were on our way up to see you on Monday. I havn't seen your beautiful smile since '98 at the Kapa Haka nationals in Wellington. As usual, you were doing something productive that involved 'strength' haha. Instantly you said "hey - it's your birthday this month aye!?" I said (regretfully) "it's today actually - man your memory is wicke...." by then Matere was already on stage, telling the MC it was my 18th birthday, then he goes and announces it over the microphone - and of course he pronounces my name wrong "Meeka" (SHAME!!) And of course, that was her intention all along, she's cracking up at me, then we hug (with my bones cracking) haha. Miss you xx
Just reading the postings from your friends you've met over the years, who were still the same, wherever you went. Full of life and laughs. I'm sorry we didn't come all the way up to you on Monday, but I felt your presence twice. That Monday night, and Tuesday morning when we were going back to Hamilton. You were making sure we got home safely (in our state!) Thankyou xx
MY deepest, sincerest sympathy and aroha to you Mum, Myrene, Eva and Hemi. Would love to see you all - when the time is more suitable. She's in an awesome place, and my Mum will be there looking out for her too (probably cooking her a feed)
Kia Kaha koutou
Micah Tawhara "TMGC Old skool"
Dearest Matz,
While reading your messages from loved ones, I couldn't help but shed a few tears and smile at the same time. When spuddy told me the news of your passing, I was shocked and so, so sad....I remember your crazy wild hair, your ear to ear smile, Your piggy back rides (freakin hilarious), being our connection on the outside and smuggling in illegal content a.k.a munchies!...The list goes on and on....My memories of you Matz will always remain dear...till our paths cross again...I love you Matz...
TMGC'92 "raNGATIra"
Peace...Bullz xo
Norfolk, VA
TMGC'92 "raNGATIra
When i heard the news, i didnt believe dad one bit. I just sat there in shock, not wanting to believe anything he said. You were my inspiration, the one person i would look up to at all times.
I remember when i was in primary school, you brought in my lunch because i had nothing, and my teacher wouldnt let me have it, even though i was sooooo hungry. I came out and told you, and you went in and yelled at her, telling her that she had no right to take it away, and that it wasnt my problem if all the other kids were jealous. And what was my lunch? A king size bar of caramello chocolate, half a 2L bottle of choc milk, and a huge bag of biguns chips. Haha, that was Viv all over.
At her tangi i listened to all of the stories that others had to say about viv, and i found myself laughing most of the time. She was a wacky, crazy and fun lovin cousin that we all loved soooo much.
Viv, i will never forget you, and being a Leo, i dont think anyone else will forget you either. This year when our birthday comes round, i will be thinking of you cuz. Look after our baby Kataraina, and watch over us all Viv. Without you, our whanau has a huge void in our lives - so keep us safe from harm.
Give my love to Nan - man you're gonna get a MEEEAN hiding from her! just kidding Viv.
Love you forever, Tiana Banana
xxxxxxxxxxxxx LEOS4LIFE
Sad that your gone. Grateful that we were friends. Thankful for your love. Always in our hearts. Your photos look fantastic. Your friends many and awesome. Havent seen you for over 10 years. Im sure like alot of us TM girls would agree that no matter how long till we see each other next we still have our bonds. Which is magical to me. I still have a big cuddle for you next time we meet, be it another 10-50 years.
Love you BLIPS (Im cracking up now cause I dont use that name liberally,but its one of the names you know me by best.)xox
I sit here with tears in my eyes as I scroll down through the memories that many people have shared. I find it amazing that after so many years, Vivienne's bubbly personality shined right through out her short life. It is still a shock to know she is no longer with us and it saddens me to know that another totara has fallen amongst our youth. Let us be strong, let us shed the tears but most of all, keep Matere in our hearts. My love to all the whanau. My thoughts are with you at this time.
I was wondering why my mate Aunty Martha from 20 something years ago hadn't emailed me back for awhile. She did today, told me the news and sent your website tribute.
Overwhelming, the respect and aroha
you all have for Vivienne makes her a very special woman whose talents,attitude and love for others shines through in your posts. Do not know Vivienne but i think i do really and it is evident.... i hiringa a ia ki iwi ke (she put her heart and soul into other people).
When I got the call I thought no they have the wrong person. Never in a hundred years would I dream that it would be you. All the way up the island I went through the motions but didn't really believe. Not our Viv. It was not possible. Then I saw you looking like you were asleep. I was so angry with you and very very sad. The tears just wouldn't stop falling. For we had lost one of our strong ones. What shone through over the next few days was the love and respect so many people have for you from all over the world. I am so proud of what you have accomplished in your short life and the amount of joy you have given everyone that you have come in touch with. I love you honey and you will never ever be forgotten.
Arohanui Aunty Amanda
Ah… Donut,
Now the want to slap you has passed and though I feel much sadness I also have many memories of hilarious and special times we shared together. I’m sorry I wasn’t there when you needed someone Viv and I will miss your smile always. Enjoy the next journey my friend, I will hold you close to my heart.
To her Mum and family, yes it is true that Viv could talk her way out of anything, she was a fantastic woman that was the cause of many headaches and much warm laughter. My sincere thoughts are with you during your time of loss.
Kia Ora Matere,
Gee girl what an awesome envious life you've led! I feel privileged to have known you and shared a small piece of your time on earth. You were way too young my friend and I can only imagine how much further you would have taken your adventures. Sorry we didn't get to catch up in person but at least we got to take advantage of the wonderful world of email.
My thoughts and prayers go out to the whanau. To Eva...thanks girl for putting up this website! Its a wonderful way for the ones who couldn't make it to the tangi to say goodbye to our mate Matere.
I hope theres a whole lot more adventure up there for you girl...God Bless and catch you up one day soon
Ma te Atua koe hei manaaki mo ake tonu atu...
Michelle Mason XoX
My Brubs... with sunshine hair, a flat bum, infectious laugh and boundless energy.
I can't remember exactly what the first memory I have of you is... but I remember the Christmases at Nanna's, where we'd all get the same gifts but each in a different colour.
But the past six or so years are where I really saw you bloom into this worldly, happy, friendly, excited person - stoked to be alive and doing all the activities you love. I loved hearing your stories - the drunkenness, the crazy antics, the colourful characters you encountered. You made the world seem small, and you were free to roam it, having the time of your life.
I'm lucky to have grown up with you, and if I could somehow spend more time with you, I would.
I miss you so much, Brubs. I look at photos that were taken only two weeks before you died, and I can't believe you were JUST here and now you're not. We were playing petanque on the beach. You were playing with Mana-boy. You were a bit quieter than usual, and I should have asked why. I wish I could change things, my black beauty, but I can't. All I can do now is try, try, try to remember you're in a better place and that you will be the most awesome aunty for our baby Kataraina.
I will cherish all the happy memories of you, Brubs, and when I finally meet up with you again one day, when I'm old and wrinkly, I know you'll be there to greet me with that huge smile and arms wide open, and we can catch up on all our stories.
Be well, Brubs, and watch over your mum, sister and brother and their families.
I'll never forget the light you brought into my life.
With all my love and prayers,
Eva xox
My darling daughter
Everything is still very much a blur, one minute I was holding you in my arms as you wept tears of pain and hurt, and the next minute, Im holding you in my arms as I wept tears of pain and hurt.
There is so much about you that I will miss, your energy, your abundant vitality, your enthusiasm for life, your cheeky smile, your silly antics, your annoying gestures, the sunshine you bought into our lives even through electronic communication, you managed to put smiles on our faces, as you took us all on your journey and adventures around the world.
Thank you Vivienne, for allowing me to be part of your world, your adventures, your life, for being the unique person you became, for being my daughter, my strength, my support, my shoulder to lean on, for the sister you were to your brother and sister, for loving them, for caring for them, for making them laugh in times of adversity, especially the support you gave to Myrene when we lost Kataraina. Thank you for sharing your life and love with all the family.
You have left behind a mountain of beautiful memories, memories that each individual family member will ponder over and smile as they think of you and friends that you have touched around the world will hold you dear to them.
You will never be forgotten my darling, for you are seen in your brother and sister, and as I look at them, I see you there within them. Your traits will be recognised in your cousins and it will take us back to you and once again put a smile on my face as I see you in them.
Your presence will be seen everrywhere I go, on the mountains, on the water, in the ocean, in the snow fields, in the heavens, among the stars, and not forgetting the rainbow and I will feel you in the breeze as the wind blows, in the rain as it falls, in the sun as it shines but most of all, in my heart where you will remain for the rest of my lifetime.
Watch over your brother (Hemi) and your Sister (Myrene), for you have left a huge gap in their lives, for whenever they spoke of you, it usually sent them into hillarious convulsions, just remembering silly stories you would tell them, the annoying things you did to them, the crazy games you played with them (and according to them, you always cheated, who do I believe??) and what your energetic presence would do to them everytime you bounced into the room, you would make them tired before you even opened your mouth. They will never forget you, for they loved and adored you, and everything about you.
Wrap your arms around Kataraina and Nan and let them know that they are still very much in our daily thoughts as you are now, and always have been.
Let the rest of your journey be as full and intense as it was here with us.
Thank you for giving me 26 years of your life, a life so full that you still managed to put me on your "A" list.
I wont say goodbye, because I will see you again, I will just say, happy journeys my darling, we will meet again.
Forever in my heart Vivienne. I love you.
I would like to take this opportunity in thanking everyone who has contributed to this site.
Your words of condolences and sincerity, have touched us deeply myself, her brother (Hemi) and Sister (Myrene)and of course her many relations.
We cant help but laugh at some of the stories that have been written, as we all know her so well, and relate to all your stories about her. She was very consistent with both friends and family in her life and touched so many peoples lives, and made friends with numerous more.
My daughter was exactly how you depicted her in all your stories, and it has touched me so deeply of the way she touched all your lives.
Her vivacious, lighthearted, bubbly, spirited nature has always been a part of her life. Her enthusiastic outlook towards life seemed never exhausting and I so wondered where she got all the energy to carry on in full force as she did. As a child she challenged herself and her ability and was very disappointed if she didnt succeed, even against herself, she would continue until she succeeded, this carried on into her adult years.
Her spontaneous and impromptu antics and actions scared the hell out of me at times, and all I could do was shake my head, and say, "geez Viv, one of these days" and she would laugh and turn around and say, "Chill mum, its sweet as" and leave me in total bewilderment at the dare devil child I had reared. However, that was Vivienne, the more out there she was, the more she challenged it, and she would go out pumped with adrenalin, ready to take on the next challenge. There always had to be a challenge for her.
I will miss her dearly and remember her always.
Please take this as a personal "THANK YOU" to the many who have come in to view, and to write a few words. I appreciate your words of kindness and condolences given to her family at this sad time and I will take your sincerity with how it has been offered. Thank you all so much, for being apart of my daughters life, for putting her smile on her face, for loving her, for being around her, for being the awesome friends that you are, for giving her the journey of her life and for being apart of her journey, for making Vivienne who she was today. Thank you.
God bless you all on your journey through life.
With love
TeMiringa, Myrene and Hemi.
Email Addy:
Hi Viv,
Your antics, laughter and stories will always be remembered, you touched many and I hope you realise this. It was always fun with you wherever you were, the river, snowboarding or the OPC volleyball court.
Take care Viv
Love Pieke
My sweet viv
I cant belive youre not comeing back to norway this summer.
From the first day i met you i havent been able to get you of my mind. The sweet browneyed girl with the crazy hair and the biggest smile. You were so easy to talk to and it felt like we had known eachother for years. Im so glad i had the chance to be a part of your short life. I have so many good memories and stories from the time we spent together. You were an amazing person viv, a hard core kayaker, a greate guide a role model, the best teacher and a inspiration to everybody arround you. You were my best friend, always there for me, always making me smile. I felt safe with you, knowing you would look after me and give me a hand if i needed it. There is so much i would liked to say to you and so many storries to tell I miss you so much and i will love you for ever and never forget you.
Aroha tino nui pepe, lots of love baby
My thoughts and love goes to Viviennes mum and family. I think of you every day and I hope i get the chance to meet you one day.
love Kjartan
"do the gay,make a rainbow,watch the theese three thinghs if you wanna make a good roll...".
theese are some of the tricks that Viv she told me when she was teaching me to kayak.
I had the pleasure of meeting Viv in Norway for two of the toughest girls I have ever met in my life.she was an example of great power and positive energy to all of us in Troll Mount.sometimes I had to stop and think how she could manage to be at a party and dancing all night and then the day after she would work hard for 6/7 hours on the river.I don't know where she found this energy,maybe whe shouldn't forget she was a maori girl...
I like to remember her when we were talking togheter,not just about river,kayak (and beers!,but about travels,tattoos,culture and expecially about japan,where both of us spent a long time.
here in uganda many people remember viv very well,even if she was here for a short's very hard to forget a kind of girl like her...
it was a shock to us(becky,paulo and myself) when we heard this news.
many tears ran down on our face, and in my mind viv,I hope you found peace.
mutch respect to you.
lorenz (tattoo
Dearest Viv
I apologise for not posting a comment sooner. I am unfortunately finding your passing a struggle and not really knowing what to say makes it so much harder but I remember you were always the strong courageous one who told me to GET OVER IT so here goes.....
Firstly to the whanau. My thoughts are prayers are with you and may the lord bless you always. xxxx
The memories are endless Viv...the many parties at 8 BOWEN STREET (and I'm sure half the time you didn't even ask your Mum when we told you to!), our lives at TMGC as Day Students along with Myrene and Eva, the MANY good times we went our separate ways in 1999 and the constant communication by email whilst you were overseas.
I remember this one time, Viv, myself and some of our friends use to meet at this special CLUB (it's a secret) and she would always make up some stupid games as our lips were very parched....need I say more! haha, but Viv you were always the light of the party no matter where we went.
When I told my brother Jodi of your passing even he was shocked and can remember a time you saw him in Turangi. He said you 2 were talking for ages and also mentioned that even though he hardly knew you, you always had a smile on your face and I can still remember it as if it was yesterday.
We will meet again one day Viv, but like Eva when I'm old but not so wrinkly as her...sorry girl! You watch over your whanau everyday and remember they will always love you as I will as your friend.
Take care e hoa and be good up there!
Kellee Rangitawa xxxxxx
To my mate Vivienne.
Thank you for being YOU, funny, clumsy, someone to listen to but most of all our friend. You will never be forgotten and will always be in mine and Kellee's heart forever.
Take care of your whanau who are sitting up there with you as well as your whanau who remain with us....otherwise your Mum will come up and slap you and you know it too!
God bless you Viv and again thank you for being you...VIVIENNE CHANTELLE BLAKE #6911.
I had a funny dream last night that one of your friends brought a CD of some video taken in Hawaii.
You and a few of your friends were "mussel diving" for money, and along the way, you were swimming with a whale, then there were all these turtles swimming in the water, you were on some rocks with sea lions. But the funniest part was you swimming up to the glass of nearby observation tanks and pressing your face up to the window and making faces at the kids walking through the observation tunnel. It was so funny! Sounds like something you'd do, too. I love you, Brubs, and miss you heaps.
I'll find a way to get through
Living without you
'Cause you were my sister, my strength, and my pride
Only God may know why, still I will get by
Who would've known, that you had to go
But so suddenly, so fast
How could it be, not a straight memory worthy of
All that we had made
Now that you're gone, every day I go on
But life's just not the same
I'm so empty inside, and my tears I can't hide
But I'll try, I'll try to face the pain
Though I'm missing you
I'll find a way to get through
Living without you
'Cause you were my sister, my strength, and my pride
Only God may know why, still I will get by
Oh, there were so many things
That we could have shared,
And time was on our side Now that you're gone, I can still feel you near
So I'll smile, with every tear I cry
Though I'm missing you
I'll find a way to get through
Living without you
'Cause you were my sister, my strength, and my pride
Only God may know why, still I will get by
How sweet, were the losses to spare?
But I'll wait for the day
When I'll see you again, see you again, yeah
I'm missing you
I will always love you Vibienne. Your memories will always remain and your loving, strong heart will always be here with us all. Its hard to accept that your gone, so I wont say good-bye, I will only say "untill the day I see you again"
Love always, your little, annoying, cousin,
Ive been told that it is going to get easier as time passes. Well who ever said that mustve been off the rails crazy.
Everyone has told me to be strong, but Viv, i see you everywhere. I see you when im on the bus, when im sitting in a lecture, or when i hear any UB40 song. Its just so hard, knowing that the next time i see you wont be for a very long time.
Ive been wanting to go back North for a while now Viv. Be closer to the whanau, you know what i mean.
Whenever im by myself i think of you - the last things we did together, the special way you make milo, watching Ice age in the back of the car, all the little details. I dont want to lose those memories of you, cos they are what make me smile through the tears. You just made everyone around you feel honoured that we could be a part of your life. Jeez if you heard me say that youd tell me to shut up, but ah well its cheesy and true.
I love you Viv. I shouldve said it more. But i think you knew that.
xxx Banana
Just a quick note to say that I can't believe it's been one month today. Where does the time go?
Anyway, Brubs, I miss you a lot, I wish things were different, and I will remember you forever.
All my love and hugs
Eva xox
P.S. Feel free to drop the Big Wednesday numbers into a dream anytime in the near future! :)
Wow, my heart feels so warm after reading and watching the photo's. What a great life, i never knew her, though when looking at her photo's feel i could of. Viv may you rest in peace whilst watching over all your whanau katoa. Manaakitia a ihoa ki a koe i nga wa katoa..
Hi, Brubs. As you probably already know, yesterday Hemi and Paula had their baby girl at Auckland Hospital. She weighed 8lb 80z (or 3.85kg), and she is happy, healhty... and noisy! MY GOD, can she scream!!! lol
Although you were probably there during the birth, I wish you had been on this side with us. It made me miss you terribly, because you should've been here to see your brother's first baby. It made me think of baby Kataraina too, who is with you too. I wish you both were here.
Love forever,
Arohatinonui Girl
All these years i havent really kept in touch with our Ngati Turd form sisters and just the other day i get an email from SPUD and BLIPPS, only to be told that we lost one of our whanau and then to see your photo and read all these wonderful things about what you achieved,woo hoo pai rauatu. If ever we needed anything outside of kura, you were the one who came through with the goods.
"hoatu taku aroha ki to whanau"
big huggz
amy marino, aka, THEO,TMGC bro i dont look like theo anymore and i havent been called that since BLIPPS reminded me the other day
Everywhere I go I always capture the view of the world - the starts in the sky, the sun going down, and everyone that surronds me to this very day. Its not the same looking around in the crowd of whaanau and not see you there. I try to be strong and try to smile as much as I can, but deep down inside, i feel empty. Every child I see, I always cherish the time i have with them while I can. Every person I meet, try's to comfort me in every way possible, but its just not the same. Sometimes I find myself calling your name at night hoping you could hear me. Sometimes I cry at night. Just knowing that you have left our sides is heart breaking. I do regret not spending much time with you and wish i was there with you more often. I will always and forever cherish every memory you have shared with us. I love you Viv and will never forget your smile, the way you laugh and the little goofy things youd do to make someone smile.
Take care up there and watch over every one of your friends and you family.
With all my love, Maia
Congratulations with the family member!!!!! What a joy in this darkness:)
At Troll now,still not many friends here but the place WILL soon be filling up. Although, it will probably take some time before we all realize that You will not be here this year.
A picture of You is hanging on the wall, and we glance up at You or say a word or two when passing,like "good morning Viv"or" see ya' later".Tim will mutter to himself "Viv, You silly cow"and shake his head. If nothing else, KNOW that You are missed, so terribly.Love You,You darling browneyed girl. Jess
miss you so much and thinking of you everyday. Im going to learn to kayak for sure now. Promise. Even if i only ever got to kayak with you once. I'll treasure it for life. xx
My darling VIV
Its been 3 months today since you have been gone and the loss is still felt so very deeply. Mothers day came and went and for some reason I expected to hear from you as I usually did, a card, a phone call, just to say "I love you mum". Your in my thoughts daily and in my heart forever.
Forever you will be with me darling.
HEY VIV!!!!!
Wow...i cant believe that its been 3 whole me it kinda feels like you've gone over-seas again....enjoying yourself, making new friends and kayaking around the world.
God i hope Nana gave you the meanest hiding with her walking stick kuzz, i'd say you deserve it! but in a way, im kinda glad that our kuzz Ricky and our lil neice Kat will have such a fun and adventurous aunty with them all the time, showing them a good time and making them laugh the same way you did with us.
The reason why im writing yet..another comment is cause i've just had my 15th, and i was staying at your mums place on tuesday night and i had this lil dream bout when we was at Nana Diddys Tangi - it was my birthday...2 days after she died, and the day b4 she was laid down. on May 10th 2003 you was running around Taheke roa Marae wising me happy birthday, i ignored you, cause i was mad at nana, the fact that she died 2 days b4 my birthday, it kinda killed me in a way - and looking back now i just wanna really thank you for lifting me the way you did that day, and doing it again this year, just seeing you, the way you were, and the way i'll always remember you.
i cant really explain what im tryna say, its hard to put it into words, but were alwayz bringing the place to life when it was dead, and lifting people up the way you did with me.
Love you kuzz, alwayz N for life
Take care of our whanau, k
It's 3.40am - A.M.! And I just thought I'd put in my 10c about your dvd, which is taking me hours, days, weeks... hopefully not months!
You know what - for a person who didn't actually own a camera, there are hundreds of photos of you! Do you know how long it takes to resize and sort that many photos, Brubs?!
Anyway, send a few ounces of inspiration my way, because by this time in the morning, I can't think straight anymore. So many pictures, so many songs - and so little time to get it done. So PLEASE help me out. After all, it's YOUR bloody video!
Ok. Other than that whinge, which is out of my system now, I have been thinking of you a lot and hope you've been to check in on Jaydaci - she is sooo damn cute.
See you tomorrow - when I spend another five hours working on one segment. Oh, and what's the pay rate for this DVD job, because I haven't won Lotto yet, so you can always reimburse me for my time and effort by way of a lucky lottery ticket!
Love you,
Eva xox
Kia Ora Koutou
This is to let you all know that Vivienne's family, will be taking her kawe mate back to her fathers people in Mahia, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand on the 4 August 2006. We will be stay at Te Rakatoa Marae, Mahia.
You are all welcome to join us.
Had the most vivid dream about you the other night, Viv! It was so Good to see your smiling face!!
Summer is not the same without you!
Vivienne, we met but briefly and I was able to witness the greatest impact you had on all those around you, particularly on your mum. She smiled from her heart each time she heard from you when you were abroad, and her heart swelled with love and pride each time she spoke of you. Thank you for this, and for touching us all with your presence, energy and endless love.
HEY VIV [and whaanau hehe]. Well, Im on my second day on my Conz Corp course. So far, its been alright. Just been trynna get through the paper work and info that we need to know, all the boring BUT good stuff. hehe. But I know its going to be good...
I know that, whereever I go - whether its kayaking or abseiling and all that other good stuff you did - I will be thinking of you and the rest of my whaanau, and I just wanted to let you know that.
SO, this is only going to be short...but, I love you and the whaanau. I hope all is doing well and that your keeping a good eye out on your brother and sister and next month, we'll all be together with our whaanau [Rakete's] and the Blake's too. Its goint to be AWESOME! SO, make sure all the roads are clear for us and that all goes well for us too! Love you always kuzzie! Maia
Happy Birthday poobum.
I had to say it to myself this year! (now i know how everyone else feels, lol Ive never had the day all to myself... and guess what? it SUCKS!)
Well Last year I was feeling out of touch from our little ceremony we usually have (screaming down the fone and speaking over each other yelling happy birthday) so I sent you the da vinci code. And aunty millie said you hadnt read it - (by the way she is a big fat liar you HAD read it shame tiana i sent it all that way for nothing) so this year ... I dunno its just dumb without you, thats all.
Lucky for you and me that we have a huge, loud family, cos i got a phone call not so long ago from myrene (+ large portion of the family) singing happy birthday. So that really made my day. I just wish I couldve heard you singing off key in the background, that wouldve really made me smile. (not that you sing flat or anything, its just something stupid you would do while everyones singing nicely, like how aunty lu made us stay up real late learning 'te pou' and by the end of it you and me had dance moves {very suttle ones} across the table. I mean it wasnt appropriate but hey it made it fun.)
Jeez viv, Happy birthday. I miss you like HELL. Everyones travelling to mahia as we speak except for ME. that is so dumb, i am gutted aye. Nick and I were going to go, but then he crashed his car (wata dumdum aye). Hes told everyone that someone hit the back of him and sped off.... but you get the good story (its way better than that).
HE BACKED INTO A POLE. jeez where did i find this guy. lol just kidding. Well anyway fifienne i better get my nunaes on, cos I got work at 8am (jeez i am getting old, IM WORKING ON MY BIRthday!!!!!! WHAT THE HELL IS THIS PFFFFT.. I HATE ADULT LIFE.)
love you cuz, leos4life.
xxxxxooooo banana
Happy birthday Viv! Still can't belive that your not here, Miss you like crazy, all the time! Lots of love: Camilla & Bobo - the crazy swedes
Kia ora Viv.
It's taken quite some time for me to finally be able to sit down and make a contribution this beautiful page.
You left so suddenly, the impact was phenomonal, and I just haven't been able to find the words for you.
I have followed this from day one however, and it's a joy to read.
It's nice to be able to see and feel you from other people's perspectives.
To know what you meant and what you've represented for different people all over the world - it's fantastic.
We didn't know each other well, but having been friends with Eva for so long, I always felt like I knew you and Myrene well before we met (which was back in 1992 as I recently discovered).
Once I moved up here I was able to interact with you and find out for myself what you were like.
Although the occasions were few and the time was quite short, you made a strong impression on me.
Possibly the most powerful of these was while we were all at Taheke, saying goodbye to Kataraina.
What I saw from you at that time was this amazing woman with the ability to remain upbeat and positive in the face of such heavy loss and sorrow.
Someone who was keeping things light hearted and continually lifting the spirits of the people around her - even if only for a few minutes.
I watched this happen many times while we were there, it was like a little flashlight bouncing around, going on and off in the darkness and I recall thinking how great it must have been for your family to have someone like you around at a time like that.
I imagine that this is another reason why such a void was left for so many people when you went.
I think you were a strong and courageous woman and your family were just as important to you as you are to them.
I also think your vibrance and vitality made you a magnet for children - the energy you carried with you was big, bright and sunny.
You were someone they trusted, had fun with, enjoyed interacting on all levels with, and not surprisingly, someone they would listen to.
I know that Cheyenne was very fond of you.
There's only a certain type of person that she will warm to quickly, you were one of those people and to me, that's something special.
These are just my impressions and feelings, I'm pleased to be able to say that I had these encounters with you and got to know you a little for myself and not just through the eyes of those who love you the most.
Of course I still wish things were different, and if there was a way to return you to the people you left behind, I'd be looking for it.
We can accept the things that happen I guess, but we certainly don't have to like them.
What I want to say to you Viv is that I hope you have peace and healing, I hope you are happy and that you're enjoying good company.
I know you must feel proud of your family - the love and strength they give each other, how they've held each other up.
For me personally - it's nice to see them smiling and enjoying little things in life.
I know that as they gradually step forward you'll be watching, the progress is good for them, and good for you too.
I think it's great that you got to see and experience so many things. I look at my Grandmother and I know there are so many people like her who have never seen as much of the world in 80 odd years as you did in less than half the time.
No-one can say that you never made the most of what you were given, because you did so much with your life, and that's something your family can be truly proud of.
And lastly Viv, I hope that the adventures continue for you.
You have a ticket to everywhere, there are no lengthly plane rides, no checking in through customs, no need to book accommodation and transfers, and you need not stand in line for anything.
The world truly does belong to you and I hope you will continue to enjoy it just as much as you did while you were here.
Be happy (and Happy Birthday!)
Shine on you Crazy Diamond.
Happy birthday Honey!!
We sat down by Mainfalls last night after work, had Your framed picture with us. A cake, some beer, toasted you, exchanged stories about you, soapbubbles.
We finished the evening by going up to the river and dropping some stuff in it, something from Vik, some from us and a prayer.
Love you lots- sleep tight. Jess and Erik.
Kia ora our friend!
Like many others whanau and friends, we also celebrated your birthday by sitting around and just having one drink, then reminising the old days of laughter and happiness with you. We know you're looking over the many that loved and cherished you and may God bless you always.
Kellee and Lawson
Hey my bibda
Its been a while since i have visited this site, but you have remained in my thoughts and my heart daily. You have even popped into a few of my dreams and it was wonderful to see you there. I miss you like crazy bibs, i wish you were here and i wish i could feel your bear hugs again. But hey guess what??!! Im gonna have another baby!(yay) and hopefully it will be healthy. I have to have the test for NKH when i am 5 months pregnant, but i know everything will be ok coz you and Kataraina will make sure it is. I have even given up smoking this time! it's bloody hard though and calvin hasnt had too much fun with my mood swings but he is being very supportive as you probably already know.
Well this was just a quick note to say i love you, i miss you and thank you for watching over us. I know you are there coz i can feel you with us.
Love you forever
P.S Isnt Jaydaci BEAUTIFUL!!!
Hi Viv
Have often thought I should ring you, even to get your answer phone, or send you an email, and hope that you get my message. It’s great to find out you have this tribute site instead.
You decided to leave Tokaanu Valentine’s Day, and what was meant to be a romantic day, turned to sadness, when I saw your tears and pain. You were so vacant when I asked what you would do instead. When you finally said you would surf the waves, I was pleased that you were going to be doing something else you loved.
The kids playing reminds me constantly of you. I see you playing elastic, cards, knuckle bones, the monopoly game you bought them, contests on the trampoline; and skating through the kitchen, the lounge, down the hall, around and around for many hours. Jumping from the town bridge - where the signs say No Jumping, the bike rides, and kayaking trips.
The magic you gave our customers. The bear hugs you exchanged with them, as they left just hours later.
The family and I spent your birthday at your father’s marae, and it torn my heart apart. But it was an honour for us to be there.
You were such a private person, and even though you gave us snippets of your inner most thoughts, I only wish we’d known you more. It may of helped.
It’s that time of year again, when we normally find out that you are going to be back for summer. But alias we have a big Vacancy to fill.
I hope you are having a lovely time with your Nan, niece and tupuna.
Missing you!
It's officially summer, and the sun has finally emerged from its wintry sleep!
And with the sun-filled days, I find myself thinking of you and missing you even more.
This is the time of year for beaches and barbecues. It's also when you'd be coming home, when you'd be shopping for bikinis, board shorts and jandals, picking out Christmas presents for everyone. And summer is the last time I got to laugh with you, hang out with you and hug you.
I know you won't be turning up to whisk me away for a day of fun in the sun, and it hurts immensely. But I'm trying, Brubs, like everyone else.
Love always,
Eva xox
I miss you so much Viv and as Xmas draws closer, and the time for families to come closer together, I find myself withdrawing from this period of happiness and joy. My tears still fall and your absence feels ever so stronger. My memories of yester year are still so vivid, your laughter, your smile, your need to be with us all, now its all gone. This is going to be such a lonely time without you.
I love you, I miss you. Help me get through this.
Forever in my heart. xxxxxx
Hey girl xx
Finally finished my exams, was a hard yacker - but got thru it. Just waiting on one more result... fingers crossed. Was awesome visiting your marae, shame that most of the girls had to pull out of the trip, but Spud I and Lizzie represented. I had to go, I couldn't function throughout the year as you probably know, so - just did it. Was so awesome catching up with your whanau - met Hemi's and Myrene's partners, they are beautiful people, and Hemi's pepi Jaydeci, shes so gorgeous.
We had a cuppa, and chat, then watched your DVD. Sooo beautiful! Eva did an awesome job. We've got copies so, I watch it often xox. Sad as - but hardcase too. (Of course) then we watched Kataraina's DVD. Soooo gorgeous!! Yous must be having fun together I bet!!
The drive up north was sweet!
Could feel your presence as we were getting closer to your marae. Was beautiful xx
Had HANGI for tea - coz we had to line our puku's as the saying goes (Well Spud and I did - Lizzie just started drinking straight away haha nah - we all did. Was just a bit thirsty aye...long drive ya see...) Kina's and Pipi's were yummy as Mmmmmmmmmm. Was choice as!
Den we got on the drinks and just gas bagged all night. Reminiscing about our TM days - Then I was getting itchy for a waiata - as we all were. And started hanging out for the guitar... eventually we brought it out and Mum jammed us some old school jams...
Then us three sang 'E Ihowa' for you.
Next morning we (finally) got up. Had showers and got ready to go up to the urupa. Your little cousin JP (cutey boy) took us up to the urupa. You had us walking up and down the cemetary haha - couldn't find ya (we knew you were just getting back at us for driving up!!) Was starting to rain, and then when we found you, the sun shone so brightly. Was so beautiful. He tohu maori, he tohu wairua - Kare he kupu.
You were right by the fence ("on the edge") the way you lived your life. Bright and colourful as haha. I got a box with Chrissy's taonga she made for you, a jewel box with some of the feathers you gave me from school and one of our patu's. So if any of the girls go up, they can put your taonga/letters or anything in that box.
Then I got the guitar and we (attempted) to sing you some songs. haha - after the night before our voices were a bit - shoddy haha. But it was beautiful. Felt your presence again, was very emotional, but we did it. You would've expected us to.
We didn't wanna leave, could've stayed there all day and night.
It POURED DOWN as soon as we left the marae, practically, when we jumped into the van. Was a mission getting outta that part of the marae. Could feel that you didn't want us to leave, but it fined up when we got out of Kaikohe - and then the traffic was backlogged for a good half an hour!! We reminisced all the way to Aux. Hardcase as!~! About our cracked teachers, tryin to remember all of our songs , all the good times and the bad . Was an awesome trip back!!
We stopped at Hemi's whare for lunch in Auckland. MEAN FEED CUZZIES!!
We were so stuffed it wasn't funny - but it was more emotional then anything else. Cryin' for hours is pretty draining....
But was choice catching up with Eva! She's still the same - awesome and hilarious as ever. Thanked Mum and the whanau, and gave them all of our love, on behalf of our form.
Chilled out at Spud's for a little bit, then said our goodbye's.
Got home with the kids - tried to do an assignment and study for an exam that Thursday - but was too overwhelmed from the weekend. I couldn't stop watching your DVD.
But like I said, I finally got through my studies - and you've been on my mind constantly.
I set up a Club on Bebo under the TM School site dedicated to you. Though your passing is so unbearable at times, so many positives have come of it. You've given much incentive for me and thers to keep in touch with loved ones as much as u can. So thank you. And thank you also for giving me guidance for my last assignment. Was a struggle but having you on my thoughts made it easier.
Love you loads xx
Hard time coming up for your whanau, first Xmas without you etc... so hope you make it easier for them my mate, somehow...
I havn't got Myrene's number but will attempt to get it next week to see how her and baby are doing. As well as the rest of the whanau...
Okay - I better stop talking... geez!
Love ya always - you always in my heart... xox
Kia ora Micah, Thank you for those beautiful words.
And it was great to have you with us all. I have mislaid all your phone numbers, as I have been wanting to catch up with you, so, hopefully, you will or Irihapeti or Spud will read this and make contact with me. My number is 0210317143 or email me
Arohanui tonu
My darling friend,
It's summer, the sun is currently setting and this always reminds me of the time we would be at the river til it was almost dark, you'd play the guitar and we'd sing, laugh and just be us! We'd then go to the Club, have a few drinks, a few more laughs then what do you know it's 3.00 a.m. and we're going to 8 BOWEN STREET! Oh your poor Mum...but those were certainly the days.
There's not a day that goes by where Lawson and I don't think about you. We celebrated his 29th brithday last month and him, Ngariki and I were talking about you and how you were just so carefree. Yes my friend we're still coming to terms with you not being around, however your spirit and love will always be with us.
Lawson and I promise we will come up and see you. We were in Auckland Labour weekend but it was to celebrate Jodi's 30th birthday as you probably already knew.
I must get going, but we love you and you are always in our thoughts. Merry Xmas my friend.
Kellee and Lawson
Hi Viv
One more sleep to go and we'll be in Putaruru, something that I'm both happy and sad about right now.
I hope that you, your Nan and your 2 beautiful nieces have a wonderful Christmas, I know you'll all spend it together watching over your family.
I'll enjoy spending Christmas with my family as always, but will be thinking of you ladies and my own special people up there, as well as all the wonderful people here in Auckland who stole our hearts.
Take good care of your Mum and Eva over the next few months, I will miss them, but will be checking in regularly to see how they're doing.
Give my love to everyone, lots of kisses for Kataraina especially - Merry Christmas mate.
Hello my darling, Xmas came and went, New Years came and went, and we are now faced with our next hurdle, which will be your first anniversary.
Xmas was spent with Hemi, Paula and the girls. Tahlya's excitement and enthusiasm over opening presents was a sight to see. And when the moment came, she was so excited that she was at loss of what to do. So many presents,...which one to open first.
Jadeci on the other hand, was more interested in wanting something to eat, and playing with the wrapping paper, though some things did catch her eye, she really couldnt understand what all the fuss was about.
The day went well with food,drinks and whanau, a sight I know you would of loved. However, you werent far from our thoughts, and we knew exactly what you would be doing if you were there with us, you became the topic of conversation, full of laughter and sadness all in one.
I made it through with the help of your brother and Paula, your beautiful nieces, Eva, Wayne and we had the priviledge of Tiana being with us.
New Years was very low key for everyone, we more or less kept to ourselves New Years Eve, but came together New Years day. Not much happened. I dont think anyone was in the mood to celebrate the New year, however,........ we are now in it and the process of taking each day as it comes will appear regardless.
And so our life continues, always with you in our thoughts.
My darling daughter, I so miss you.
I knew our year at Troll in Norway, was going to different without You there. I just couldn't imagen HOW different.
I could ride my bike to work in the morning, and suddenly, there was this song in my head, You're face, even Your voice, or just a memory of something we shared. Tears would run down my face, like all these feelings, the sorrow, was just under my skin and still very raw.
Dreading the day of Your leaving this world a year ago, my deepest sympathies and warm thoughts to Your family and friends around the world. Love You still....miss You even more. xxxJess
Well I'll try again to post a comment. Last night I did alot of talking to you and when I came to do whatever you have to do to get this posted I lost it all! So I was not a happy chappy. So hopefully I can get this done right this time!
You know Viv, as the first anniversary of your passing arrived, I could see from reading all the comments that it has been a trying time for all your friends and family. I know a year is a long time, but it is still just like yesterday.
When I look into your Mum's eyes, there is such raw pain and heartache. She aches Viv, and it hurts not being able to take that ache away.
As parents we always want to make things better for our children. We would like to think we can fix any hurt that our children experience in their lives.
Unfortunately this isn't always the case. Your Mum would've moved heaven & earth to fix your hurt, but I'm sure you already know this.
We all love and miss you and wish we had even more memories of a fun loving, funny and beautiful young woman. Your cousins miss you so much.
I always think of you when I hear that song "Brown Eyed Girl".
I'm glad you are with Nan and our babies, so that at least helps with the grieving, knowing you are with whanau.
Love you Viv
Aunty Martha
Well, I am back! On 15 February, me and your mum headed up north to see family and to be able to visit you on the 16th.
It was a good trip, with our two nieces along for the ride, and we took it easy, relaxed, and had a good time.
When Friday morning came, I expected there to be a sense of urgency to get to the cemetery, but instead it seemed like nobody was in a hurry, and we - along with Aunty Lucy, Maia, Tiakina and Te Taonga - finally left around 11am.
But we didn't quite go straight to the cemetery! We stopped at Uncle John's and wound up staying for lunch, buying some groceries and THREE HOURS LATER we all left from there (our little group growing each time we stopped).
15 minutes later we were there, at the bottom of the hill, unlocking the gate to go up to the graveyard.
I was reliving all sorts of emotions from that point, remembering everybody walking up that hill en masse to lay you to rest...
When I finally got to your grave, I cried. There were so many trinkets and flowers and the taonga left by Lizzie, Micah and Krystal were just awesome.
Your dad's flowers were put at the head of your grave, and they were bright and beautiful.
It was a great trip and things for everyone are looking up now.
So let our memories always be bright and cheerful, and may you always keep your loved ones safe.
Love, Eva Rose xox
Published in the New Zealand Herald, 16 February 2007.
Vivienne Chantelle. In loving memory of a darling daughter, sister, coursin, aunty and niece who passed away 1 year ago today. If I could have a life time wish a dream that could come true. I'd pray to God with all my heart for yesterday and you. A million words can't bring you back, I know because I have tried and neither will a million tears, I know because I have cried. My heart still aches with sadness and the secret tears still flow. What it meant to lose you no one will ever know. You left behind my broken heart and treasured memories too. But what I really want is yesterday and you. Always thinking of you Viv. Forever in our hearts. Big hugs and kisses to Nan and Kataraina, Mum, Myrene and Hemi
• Published Friday, February 16 2007
• First Published Friday, February 16 2007
Published in the New Zealand Herald, by Eva
Vivienne Chantelle. Your life was a beautiful journey, one we will never forget. May you always find new adventures, and money to pay off our debt! still holding you in our hearts, Brubs and forever in the tight five. Arohanui Eva, Myrene, Hemi and Wayne.
• Published Friday, February 16 2007
• First Published Friday, February 16 2007
Hey my cuz,
Well this last week has been a very quiet affair - I feel like I have withdrawn from my everyday life just that little bit as my attention focusses on this time last year. A year seemed like such a long time when I was 7 years old and looking forward to the next christmas/birthday where I would get to go up north and play all day with my cousins. But I fear that I must be getting older now, becuase a year seems to be gone far too quickly. The pain of your loss has not faded. Ive become used to it, sitting there in my heart, but it has not faded.
Over the past few days I have thought a lot about you, and found that I was grasping at the very last memories that I had of you. Those are some great memories I have, and I have to thank you for leaving me with such a good parting gift. If only I had known at the time that it would means o much to me now, I wouldnt have thought more about the fact that I had scored your beanie!! But hey, thats how these things work - just like when Nan passed away, and all i remember telling dad to tell her is take it easy on the gin nan. But hey, its something I would say to her to this day so at least it is a parting gift of the kind that i recognise and love.
I read your letters to me the other day. In every single letter, you wrote that you wanted me to come and stay with you. I never got to do that, and it pisses me off that I didnt. I miss you Viv.
My thoughts are with your Mum, and your closest family at this time - I mean as much as i liked to think that i lived in your pocket, I wasnt the closest person to you. And this hurts me so bad, so it just makes me realise and appreciate how strong they are, how great their loss is.
We all miss you cuz, and we all cant wait to see you again one day. Keep doing what you do Viv, and maybe I'll finally get to come and stay with you one day.
Love Tiana Banana xxx
Hello my beautiful friend.
Firstly I have to apologise for not sending you something on your first anniversary but it doesn't mean I never thought about you and I always do. Infact I was in Marton, saw Rob and we were talking about you for ages.
Well my friend you probably already know this but after nine years of being together, Lawson asked me to marry him on my 27th birthday which I most gladly accepted. We're so very happy and excited about spending the rest of our lives together as husband and wife.
No matter where you are Viv, you will always be in our hearts forever and I know you'll be there on our wedding day too. We love you Viv, look after your whanau up there...infact I don't need to tell you, you already are.
Kellee and Lawson
Hey, Brubs.
It's funny - you were the first person to email me a request to join Bebo, and I did. Then I forgot about it. Some time last year, Ebz made a page, and so I finally got around to making mine too.
When I first logged in, I saw that I still had you as a friend, and it's strange that something you wrote/made (on your profile) will be around forever.
Anyway, through Bebo heaps of TM girls have found each other and drop little messages to say hi. It makes me sad, because we were there together, and when I see them, I think of you and the fact that you're gone. But they are all well, and it's good to see people so happy and grown-up.
It's almost your birthday, not that you'll ever age now (unlike me, old fart that I am!) and I'm thinking of you a lot at the moment.
The heaviness in my heart never leaves. It seems I'm able to be distracted from it for a while, but when I look again, it's still there.
God, I miss you. It's not the same without you, and there will never be anyone who can replace you.
I love you.
Brubs xox
Hi our darling friend!
How are you? Well winter has certainly set in and my goodness is it freezing or what!!!! Can't wait for some sun to come soon, you know I was never the one for winter. Your mum sent me a comment on BEBO, it was great to hear from her. She tells me her and your whanau are doing well (as you probably already know) and I caught up with Papa Kere last weekend as he brought the girls down to Parliament to perform.
They did us old girls proud too my friend I must say, it was awesome to be amongst them. Kind of reminded me of our College years. We're all well, wedding plans are coming along nicely. We think about you everyday and it's your birthday soon. We will certainly be thinking of you and I will drop in to say hello again.
Until then our darling friend, be well and god bless you always.
Kellee and Lawson
Hi again our darling friend!
How are you up there? Hope all is well with you. Things are great with us, Wellington weather as you can imagine is still the same but our lives are fantastic as normal. Work is getting busy again and Lawson's loving his job too.
Not long to go until Xmas and we're off to the Cook Islands for a few weeks to see Lawson's "roots". Looking foward to getting a bit of sun this time instead of WIND & COLD!
Well must get going, I will write again to you soon.
All our love
Kellee and Lawson
Kia Ora Viv!
You know, so many words have been said on this blogspot, and I have to admit, every word said here is completely true.
Its been, gosh, a year? almost two! Just a few months ahead of us now. And yes, the pain of losing you still weighs in my heart.
I checked my Yahoo! e-mail just a few minutes ago, and I noticed a folder titled 'Blakerakete' and when I opend it, I saw your old emails. I must have been atleast 10 years old, we were living in Langs Beach and you were giving me tips on how to kayak and how NOT to fall out of the kayak! haha, you were really excited that we had gotten the courage to finally trysomething like that! even if it did mean stealing the neighbours kayaks for a day or 3.
I rememebr, in one of the emails you sent to me, you mentioned kayaking off an 11 foot tall water fall! and nana Diddy was sitting right next to me and she jumped! she freaked out! "Geez, that bloody girl betta not break her back!" I got scared, but now when I look back, it was really funny how nana reacted.
Im going to keep your emails, no matter how many times I'll look at them and proberbly cry! But your personality, your love, your confidence, you courage I do not ever want to forget!
I still cry for you, when I hear a certain song, when I hear a funny joke, but there are always times when I think of you and smile! For example, when I look at Jaydaci! hahaha, and theres this one picture of you and mum (holding Hamuera) and mums wearing these stupid looking glasses, but the most hillarious thing about it was your laugh! You just let out into laughter! when I look at that picutre, I could just imagine you breaking out into laughter!
Well Vivienne, I think I better go. Next time im in Taheke, I'll have to walk up that bloody mountain 'Pukewheki' Just to see you! but hey, its worth the huff-n-puff!
Love you always and forever, no matter what! I will always love you, even beyond my life!
Rest in Peace Viv and take care of our precious babies! Give my love to Nan and watch our Kataraina for us! Dont forget to keep your eye on Aunty, Hemi and Rene.
Maia Te Aroha
Kia ora again our wonderful friend!
I thought I'd drop by again to say hello and wonder how you're doing. Andrew and Ngareta finally tied the knot last weekend, it was a wonderful day for them both. The wedding was small but meaningful and Lawson and I enjoyed every minute. Ngariki's pregnent too! Her and her partner are so excited as they had been trying for over a year and this wonderful wish for them has finally come true. Anahera's excited too, it was her birthday just a few days ago.
Kelly and Faith get married in March 08, another exciting time to look foward to, then ours soon after we can't wait :o)
Summer has finally arrived and the weather has been very good to us....just wondering if you've been putting in a few good words for us LOL...well it's working! We heard Laurel and Nikki had their farewell at the Club too, it's amazing how things change so quickly but of course all for a good reason.
Well matey we will love and leave you, but we will write again soon.
Kellee and Lawson
Hello my darling
Well another xmas arrives and followed by that, we enter into another year, 2008.
As xmas approaches, so does the loneliness, the tears, the memories, and the heartache and as the new year approaches, the knowledge that you have been gone for 2 years,brings my heart to tears. I miss you still and mourne for you still, its so very hard to let a child of yours go, when our life spent together was full on. You and your zest of life and the need for excitement, action, enthusiam and travel, not only for yourself, but for those that came into your life. Forever spreading the word, that there is life beyond Aotearoa, and that it needs to be explored.
As you probably know we had Lorenzo with us for a week and it was lovely to have him here. We had a lot of good laughs (all on you, by the way) and we had some very special moments.
And as fate would have it, he too, managed to puncture my tyre, I couldnt beleive it, it must be a kayakers thing, huh, cos, you never drove my car without having a puncture.........bloody unbelievable.
We took him up to the Taheke pub (as you do) and had a few drinks, and Wayne decides to get him a Double Brown, can you believe it, (as Lorenzo wasnt sure of what was good), so Wayne in his wisdom gets him the most disgusting was soooo funny, had alot of great laughs, it felt good too.
Hemi and Wayne did a wonderful job on cleaning up your grave and Eva, Tiana, Paula, Lorenzo, Tahlya and JDC and me included had the honor of making it beautiful, and by the time we left, you were perfect.
Aunty Lucy, Uncle John and whanau managed to join us for the it was awesome. You have such a supportive, caring, loving whanau, and i feel it everytime we come together. Without them, there are things that just dont work, and when it comes to do with you Viv, they are there in full force, such an amazing whanau you have.
Xmas, will be spent with all of us congregating at home and doing what we do best together, work, play, laugh,eat, drink, more laugh, more food, more drink, more play.....dont know who's doing the dishes though... Ohhhh what a day. You know the.... "norm".
So my darling, thats us for the old year and altogether we will bring the new year in and see what surprises we all have in store for all us.
Your never far from our thoughts, whether we share them together or whether we sit and reminisce on our own.
I will forever love and hold you near darling.
As always a special aroha to your nan and our baby Kataraina.
Forever dear Viv
Aroha nui tonu ki a koe
Kia ora our darling friend!
MERRY XMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR! We know it's late but hey better late never!
Good to hear your Mum and whanau had a wonderful time during the festive season. They made you perfect that would have been a mission! lol!
Lawson and I both worked through Xmas and New years, Tuanu's been with us as well as his Mum and he's here with us at the moment but goes home tomorrow. I haven't been back to Marton for quite a while but we're going home next weekened as we have Indoor Netball Super League in Palmerston North so it'll be good to catch up with the whanau.
Bam's doing well with her babies but is in hospital at the moment as she needs to have lots of bed rest. You know what Bam's like, too busy wanting to be nosey and you know that hasn't changed!
Ngariki's doing well with her pregnancy too. Not long to go for both these girls I think. I do know Bam's due with her triplets in May....damn triplets :o)
My brother Jamie's not very well however. As you know he had plastic surgery last November to reshape his head back to normal due to his accident. The good news is, he looks just like a normal person because you know his head wasn't before but unfortunately his seizures are more frequent than they have been.
I've been praying to the lord asking for his help, can you give him a nudge up there for me please? My family will never get over what those thugs did to him but we believe in karma. I will leave this subject with that comment.
Anyway matey you take care up there and thank you for providing us with the bomb weather, you know what Wellington's like.
Will write again soon, we love you!
Kellee and Lawson
Hello my darling
Always in my heart, and in my thoughts. Missing you still very much.
With all my love
Kia ora Viv!
It's been a long time and so much has happened good and bad, but you know Laws and I we're still stronger than ever...I'm so lucky to have him in my life. The good news being we have a new addition to the whanau...Ngariki had a baby boy named Kees Crawford and what a wonderful pepe he is too. Cayla also had a son and is just absolutely precious. Jamie is doing really well now, hardly anymore seizures and him and his family are doing awesome...thank you for the nudge my friend, you truly are a blessing.
The bad news is Bam lost her triplets on 19 January and let me tell you Viv she is one of the strongest most admirable people I have in my life. 3 beautiful girls and can you believe it one of them named does he do it LOL!
As for the 2 of us, life is great and I'm the luckiest woman in the world. Wedding plans are coming along nicely, I can't believe our wedding day is getting closer as the year has been gone so quickly and having a loving supportive whanau and friends makes things much easier for us. It'll be big but absolutely worth every minute!
You are always in our thoughts and hearts, look after those loved ones up there and continue to bless those who you love here as we love you.
Hey Blake,
Hope your living it up where ever you are. Miss you lots, thinking of you. Becky Lar. xxxxxxxx
Your 29th birthday... Eternally young though, Brubs.
Happy Birthday Viv, and as Eva commented, eternally young. However, I dont need your birthday to have you in my thoughts. Love you always.
Hello Babe, Just needed to say I miss you, and wish you were here.
Hi Viv
Just thought I would share a moment with you. Jaydaci started her first day of kindy and thoroughly enjoyed it. She was still smiling about it when I got home from work. She is very proud of herself at the moment, and seems to love the social scene and company where ever she goes. MMMMMM....remind you of anyone. I enjoy watching her exuberance and excitement with whatever acheivement she has done, she is such a joy.
Much love as always Viv,
Hey Sweetie, long time since I posted, but You are as ALwaYS, on my mind. Another x-mas has past, another year will go by......A part of me wish You where here to see and feel and sence life...but then again, You probably are.. Still waiting to concieve, so that we can tell our own Viv, Your namesake, about the most beautiful-in every way-girl that ever was. Love You still, miss You more....xxxJess. Happy New Year ;)
Hi Viv
Well another year comes along and puts another year between us, but everyday is still a trying day. You are still missed immensley and every so often, without thought, tears spring fourth and a cloud of sadness descends upon me. Its still hard, very hard, and my heart still aches for you. Three years is nearly upon us and not one day has goes by without you in it. Viv............... "Our wahine of the River"
Love you and missed so much
TeMiringa says
My darling Viv
I know my heart is shattered into a million pieces
I know I've lost something valuable, precious and irreplaceable
there will be days when I will cry and break and hurt
But I know now, that I am strong enough to get through this
My soul has cried many tears that have failed to heal my aching heart
My mind has screamed many thoughts that have failed to ease my inner pain
All that’s left now is to rise up, be strong, sit with the loss and the pain and work through it
For the only way out is through - i can't jump over it or go around it - I have to go through it
I am coming out on the other side a wiser, happier person
I must not sit any longer and dwell on this loss and pain
I will grieve, it is necessary, but I will not focus all my attention on the pain
Instead I will focus my attention on getting through it, on looking forward at the bright lights ahead
The world cannot consist only of pain and misery, I refuse to believe that
I will find happiness and joy and cling to every little bit of it with all the strength I have.
You are never ever far from my thoughts Viv, but, for me, its now time to move on and as I move on so do you, we will take this journey together, so walk with me Viv and lets find adventures together.
Love you so much
My sweet brown-eyed girlfriend...
Amazing how the world continues to turn. I would say the pain is far from gone, but it does get easier to bear.
Been down memory lane tonight,lighting a candle next to your photo hanging on the wall, watching videoclips from your days on the river. Enjoying that warm smile of your's, it is now easier to remember the good times of our time together.
The sky is less cloudy and the rainbow is out every once in a while.
Warm thoughts to your family today, peace and love to you darling. Talk to you soon, xo Jess
Kia ora my beautiful friend!
It's been quite a while since I've left you a message on here. Things are great with us and travel is on the cards as soon as we're married....plans are going great, we're happy with our jobs and most of all life. That doesn't mean we don't think about you as we still do. Will write again soon my friend. God bless you always.
Kellee and Lawson
Hey Viv! Miss you bru. Love of love miss Lar X X X
Hey my kuzz, i never knew this blog was on here so thats why its yaken me so long to write a comment. This comment also includes All of us family specifically uncle John, aunty Sonia, Daniel Moka, J.P and i... I have kind of followed in your footseps and joined the Army, to try make some peace in the world and do some traevvelling just like you.. You inspired a lot of people and by the sounds of it, left quite an effectt on most places/people you met...
so for that my kuzz i hope to see you soon and on behalf of the Rakete Whanau we will always and without a doubt miss you will all our hearts..
P.S: Can you please say hello to Nan, Huriana and Riki for us please and take care of us cause youb are a strong soirit.. see you on the other side ny kuzz!!!!!!!!
Hey Sis
It was your birthday last week. I went to see hemison and had a coffee with him while he had a smirnoff. Still very quiet without you, we still miss you and think about you every day... and my goodness.. little mahia has no ears just like you and miss jaydaci is bossy just like you! ha ha. It is Kataraina's birthday next weekend and we will be thinking of you on that day. we are even doing a special cake for you an Tiana, so i hope your free spirit will be with us all on that day.
Love you always sis
Kia ora e hoa!
How are you? Quite often I go to this website, and read the many stories people have left. The most amazing thing about reading all these stories, is that they are all very similar, and have noted just how clumsy you are LOL! Just thought I'd pop in and say you heaps my girl
Kellee and Lawson
Hello my dear Viv
Mahia is so "you" in every way, mischeivious, loud, bossy, scared of nothing and no ears. She is totally invincible and of course, everything she does, has a purpose, regardless wether its right or wrong. hahaha.
She knows when she has done wrong too, she puts on this huge smile and then looks directly at you and wonders why you are growling, she sees no sense in it at all. She is so funny. Nothing bothers her, everything just goes over the top of her and she struts around with not a care. Its hillarious, (well, now I think its hillarious, especially watching Mahia do what she does, and her parents going nuts over it) though I didnt think it was at the times you did it. I love it....hahahaha.
Shes lovely though. She has a very loving, caring and tender way about her, but also very strong, voiceferous and protective at the same time.
Oh, actually the reason why Im here is to say that Myrene is finally having a child and we get to keep this taonga. Your sister is over the moon by the news, and Im so pleased for her. We are all looking forward to her arrival, which is in February 2010.
So watch over your sister during this time, she is going to need your spiritual energy at some time, so keep close Viv, as Im sure Nan will be there to hold her baby close, along with our babies, to bring our taonga into this world.
Arohanui always to you and our "ladies"
Kia ora my friend,
Well in 8 weeks time, Lawson and I will finally tie the knot in front of our whanau and friends. Planning is going well, infact it's just tying the loose ends together, and making sure everything goes to plan. We're really excited now!! Looking forward to Xmas even though we're both going to be working through, but definitely looking forward to the new year especially starting it off as husband and wife. I think about you often Viv, and how you would have loved to be there, but in our hearts you're always with us...all of us!
We've been having some great weather too by the way, thanks for the nudge! I was just reading your Mum's comment about Myrene expecting...that is such good news isn't it!!! Lawson's going back to Marton this weekend, and we'll also be back next weekend. Oh no we're not moving back if that's what you think?! LOL.
Lots of love to you always, I'll write again soon.
Hi babe, Xmas is lirking around the corner and there is alot of excitement from your 3 nieces.....Prezzies of course.
Thinking of you always
I have few vague memories of you which i often reminisce about and chuckle inside my head.
I was stunned and can still remember the night i found out of your passing. Will forever cry endless tears of pain and sadness.
My thoughts are always with you. Love and miss you dearly xo
Aimee Kohi
Hi Viv
2010 has arrived and this year we will be unvieling you, nan and Kataraina, which is all wrong. You were suppose to be here to help with their unvielings, and help with all the preparations and what happens, we unveil you as well. That is sooo sad, but it will be done.
Still miss your smile and your energy babe, and still finding it difficult to accept your absence. Love you forever and ever more
Kia ora e hoa!
Well can you believe Lawson and I are finally tying the knot next Sunday in front of whanau and friends after almost 11 years together this July. We are so excited, but in a way we can't wait until it's over too...LOL! We've been so relaxed how our plans because the focus has been what we want, however remain "mentally prepared" of any hiccups along the way. You never know what could happen aye?! hehe.
Bam and her daughter came through today to get their measurements done, and will travel through again next Wednesday for their final fitting. I'm very lucky with our dress maker, she's brilliant! Sonya and Jordan had their measurements done on Monday, and she completed them this morning when I took Bam around. What a machine thank the lord haha!
Lawson's cousin had a baby girl on Saturday and named her Cairo Ngariki Etini. She's named after her great grandmother. Lawson and my brother Jamie flew to Auckland last Thursday to start his stag do weekend with the boys. They all then drove to Rotorua and had the best time before flying back home to reality. If you could see the footage, my gosh you would laugh your head off!
Well my friend I had better sign off, please ask the man himself for good weather next Sunday. You are always in our thoughts every single day, and we love you!
My Dear Viv
Four years without you, my goodness how time flies, it seems like only yesterday, I laid you down to rest. Well, it hasnt got any easier. Everyday has been just as hard as the first day. Every day has been a struggle to get through.Tears flow so very easy
in the stillness of the night and
memories of the years flood in.
I long so much to have you just one more time to enjoy again.
Some things time can never erase
People say they do but we never know the pain of loss, it sits deep within , and its feelings are real, its feelings are true, you began like that... within me, and now you are back .... within me, but this time there will be no birth as such, but a birth of wonderful memories, stories, adventures, to remind me every now and again, that you began with in me and you remain within me.
Forever Vivienne Chantelle Blake
"Ohhhh... for the touch of an invisible hand and the sound of a silenced voice"
Mum 16/02/10.
Dear Viv! I was ages ago that I wrote something. But you are always in our hearts and minds. Bobo and I often talk about you. We miss you a lot! And we are so happy that we got to know you.
And to share some news, last year we had a baby girl, she turned 1 on the 11th Feb- time flies! And we named her Ida Chantelle. She is a happy little girl, full of energy. Perhaps a future kayaker? ;-)
Lots of love from: Camilla, Bobo and Ida
Kia ora our beautiful friend,
Please forgive us for not writing to you earlier, but we would like to say thank you for watching over us on our special day because it was certainly a beautiful one! During the morning of our day the weather was terrible, but an hour before the ceremony started the sun came through, and we had our wedding outside as originally planned. It was an absolutely wonderful day, and we felt your presence with us.
We love you our friend, you're forever in our thoughts and hearts, and we will write again soon.
Mr and Mrs Lawson Rangitawa-Candy
Hey Blake :-) Hows your world? Missing you down here. Think about our good old day often... I have calmed down a lot these days on the party side of things! haha but if you were here I'm sure we would have a crazy crazy night out! Miss you. Lots of love always. Becky Lar xxxx
Kia ora e hoa!
Just thinking about you, and wondering how you are. We had a great Easter with both our whanau, it's now an annual thing as we had a bit of a sports day too. Lawson's home for 6 weeks with a sports injury, koro is getting old! LOL not like us young ones.....we've still got it! HA!
Will write again soon my friend, god bless. Arohanui xox
Love you and Miss you my friend xox
You pulled me out when it felt like I was drowning and your hugs gave me strength to rise up again. See you soon xox
Kia ora e hoa!
How are you? Well Lawson's back at work after 7 weeks, and is enjoying being back into the working society LOL! I think he's learned to be more careful when playing sport next time. Merv graduated 2 days ago, it was a proud moment for his cousin, myself and his whanau see him receive his BA. And as you can imagine, he just wanted them to send his BA in the post....WALLY! Lastnight was our niece Jordan's 8th birthday, gosh they're growing quick! And this weekend we're going to Marton and I'm going to spend time the's been a while since we did that last. We miss you my friend, know that you're in our thoughts everyday. xoxox
Hey Viv,
Wow, its been so long since you left this world although I know your thoughts and memories are with so many people, and will be until we all meet up again....
I see Kells write you a whole lot, and just how much she misses you shows with the way she still talks of you ever so frequently...
Well I just wanted to pop in, pay my respects and float along on my way again....
Arohanui e hoa.... xxoxox
Kia koe Matere,
Kia ora my beautiful friend... 4yrs have passed and I am glad to see this blog still live and active in your memory. I had a little tangi for you my friend as I once again, spend hours reading through your messages. Each story touches my heart and reaffirms your mighty grasp of love, respect and honor that we all hold for you Matere. Torie and I speak of you often and it is always with a big kata kata toku hoa tuturu! I can see your face right now and I can even hear your voice... It is very comforting. Miss you my friend. I will pop back again soon. Love you!
Arohanui mo ake tonu!
Crystal Utatao aka The one they call "SPUD" haha...
Incase I forget tomorrow (isn't it? lol) HAVE A WONDERFUL BIRTHDAY! We love and miss you, but know you're always watching us where ever we are. God bless. Kelz and Laws xoxo
Hi Viv
Birthday wishes for you my darling. We had a lovely dinner at Hemi and Paula's for you. Your nieces loved it, as they got your birthday presents, so they were over the moon with that gesture and cant wait for next year. Myrene, Calvin and Te Ariki, Te Taonga, Tiakina and Maia, joined us in your favourite dishes. MMMMMMM.......yummy.
Thoughts of you always my dear, I sat and wondered where your journey would have taken you today, and smiled at the thought, that you would of been somewhere in this world, enjoying what life has to offer.
Love always Viv
Hi Viv
Well Xmas was a very sad event, we lost Aunty Mere and have just come back from her tangi. So needless to say, I wasnt in the mood for anything let alone Xmas. However, within saying that, I did get to go and see the Girls open there xmas presents and it bought so many memories back of when you, Hemi and Myrene would open yours. The expressions on your faces, like the "mmm not sure about this look, or the "dont like this one look" and the "total surprise look" and of course, "yep i can do this look", and they have all been passed down to your nieces. Hahaha total classic.
Well the new year is now upon us, once again, and time for resolutions and blessings. Yes, I do have some and Im going to make sure that they are accomplished. Last year was a very hard and busy year, this year Im hoping that things will be alot easier, so heres hoping.
Well my darling, you are forever in my thoughts and especially in my heart. "A child is your heart that walks beside you"
Arohanui always
Hello our dear friend,
How are you? Just thought we would pop in, and let you know that we still think of you and of course your sense of humour! Life is great with us, and we're enjoying it to the full. Really looking forward to what the future brings. We're still planning on making the trip up to see you.....hopefully it will be very soon.
Be cool, and remember we love you! Arohanui Lawson and Kellee xoxo
oh, it's been so long.....not that I don't think of 'you, 'cause you're right in front of me on the wall by my desk....
....lifetime ago, it seems, and I don't want it to be.....and you're still not here...... except the impression you left, imprinted in our hearts and our lives....Love Jess
My dear Viv
I cant believe the last message i wrote was nearly a year ago. Time seems to be travelling alot faster then usual, Im sure of it.
Im doing this post to let all your friends/whanau know that we will be having your unvieling along with your niece, Kataraina and grandmother on New Years Eve 2011 at Tahekeroa Marae, SH12 Hokianga. For those of you who can make it, you are all very welcome, it will be nice to see you there.
I also met up with Bobo and Camila and their little girl, they named after you. She is lovely, and Im so glad we got to meet them. Unfortunately, we werent able to spend much time together as I had hoped, Im so hoping there will be another time. Myrene tried ringing them on Thursday before they flew off, but said there was no answer, perhaps i gave the wrong number, which is highly likely.
If you have met up with Nana Blake, loves and kisses to both nans.
Still missing you babe always and forever, arohanui
Kia ora our dear friend,
Wow it's been a while since our last post, but we had to just pop by and say Merry Xmas! This will be our first Xmas we have off as Mum's not very well so all of us will be back home. Well 5 of us anyway now as Jodi's just come out of hospital, but he's in good spirits and we're blessed to have him with us.
Wow you're having your unveiling New Years Eve. We will certainly do our best my friend. We will keep in touch as we always have, and we love you heaps! Kelz and Laws xoxo
Hello darling, Xmas time and lots of presents, food, cheer and laughter. All your nieces had a wonderful time as they always do, (they're favourite ) time of the year.
Next week we will all be up there to see you, nan and kataraina. Im looking forward to going home and sitting with you all for awhile. Sadly our stay wont be long, but our love will remain with you all forever. Still missing you.
Arohanui Viv,
Sweet baby cheeses, it's 2012!
Hi Brubs, just came on for the first time in a couple of years and caught up on everyone's news.
Looking at your photo in the London Eye made me think, I've been living in England how long now? And you've still seen more of London than me!
I dream of you sometimes. I don't always remember them, sometimes you don't speak, and other times they make no sense, but I think of it like catching up for a coffee (whose shout is it?) and wake up happy just to have seen you again.
Speaking of which, it's 4.42am - definitely time for bed. Feel free to meet me in a dream, I'd love to hear you laugh.
Thinking of you,
Eva xox
Kia ora every1. Well I knew Viv since 1992-1995 wen we were at T.M.G.C. She was so full of laughs. always knew how to cheer us up. Happy person. She was never one to hate on anyone. got on wit hu eva was around. crackn us up laughn. That's jus hu she was.. I'll neva 4get this chick. 1 of my best friends I'm proud to say. Well ma friend. I hope u r in da best place that u want to be. I know ur lookn down on us laughn ur head off. but I"d jus like to say that. Miss u so much. If I'm eva up that way. I will definately call in and c u. Got couple of mates up dea. Till we meet again ma bro. R*I*P. Ma te atua e manaaki, e tiaki ia koe mo ake tonu atu... AMINE... Takoto mai ra e hoa...xoxoxoxox
Random, not sure why you crossed my thoughts today e hoa. Jumped online to see if this page still existed. Sadly, I have been here many time but I've never worked up the courage to say anything. Wow. Even Sheilah beat me! lol (Kia ora e hoa). I now can't help but remember the times you would get cheaky to Sheilah and get a punch for your troubles. Hahaha. Best times at TM. You two were such a craaaack up! Your infectious laugh, cheaky grin, huge heart! Friends come and go so quickly in our adult lives. It makes you truly cherish the real friends you made at school. I remember catching up with you after college. On both occasions you were doing what you do best ... out and about enjoying the outdoors...97 Ratana celebrations with your Northland touch team then catching up with you at blinkin Taita railway station (of all places!) after you'd run a few stops just to kill time b4 your next train!!! You could never keep still!!
May you rest in peace forever e hoa. So sorry I couldn't make your farewell or unveiling. Know that I was thinking of you, on both occasions. As we still do to this day. Nga manaakitanga a te runga rawa ki a koe. Moe mai tonu i raro i tona ingoa tapu. xx Ruth Katene
Hi my darling,
I tried leaving a message on the 15/2, but for some reason it would'nt save and I lost it all, so I thought I would get around to do it again soon.
Its been 7 years since you have gone and though the time has definitely gone by, for us time goes slowly, as we still incorporate you in our daily lives. So for us time is moving in the way we want it to move.
We still have your overseas friends in contact with us and also your TMGC friends. They are coming to see you in October, and spending a few hours with you, Myrene and I are accompanying them up to Taheke as well. How wonderful of them to do this for you. After all this time, they still have you on their minds as well.
our nieces are growing into very independent young ladies.
Tahlya can be very stubborn and when her mind is made up, there is no swaying her, however, she is very compassionate and sensitive too.
Jaydaci can be very shy, but she can voice her opinion if the need arises. She loves to help out with anything, and so energetic, she has to be doing something all the time, even if she is just sitting. Her shyness is so much like her Dad at her age.
Mahia, can be said to be a mini you, she does some really random things, and there are times, when Myrene and Hemi see it, and they just shake their heads, when they see how much she reminds them of you. She is so affectionate and loves to be cuddled and praised. However, she can be so indecisive and so easily distracted. Her mum gets so agitated sometimes, because she never completes a task she has been given, always distracted with something else.
Te Ariki is full of energy and even tires her cousins out. She is on the go as soon as her eyes are opened, and doesn’t stop till her eyes are closed. She definitely keeps mum and dad on the go.
So my dear, as you see, life goes on and we are still here with one another to enjoy. I just love spending every moment with the girls, they have this energy that sparkles, I love it.
I will go now, my dear, but I come here often, to do alot reflecting and read about your journey and how it is still continuing on. With all our love
Always and forever
Mum and whanau. xoxoxoxoxox,
My dear Viv
4 August 2013, 34 years old, happy birthday. Love you forever,no matter how many years go by.
Aroha tino nui, mo ake
Dear Viv, another year gone by, and tomorrow (4/8/14) is your birthday. You are always in my thoughts and my heart, love you always, miss you so much. Mum xoxox
We still think about you buddy. Hope all is well with you my friend. Miss you always Lawson, Kellee and Manea xoxoxo
Kia ora our dear mate!
Well during Queens Birthday weekend was TMGC's 110th anniversary, and you were in my heart the whole time. Going back to where our friendship began, but becoming closer after our time at the Kura definitely brought back lots of great memories. Especially when you're surrounded by old girls who share the same view as us. Whilst you may not be here physically, you will always be there with us in spirit. We hope you are well, big hugs and kisses always e hoa. Arohanui...Lawson, Kellee and Manea xoxoxo
Happy birthday, Vivienne!
Thanks for all the good memories.
Such a shame that u left us so soon.
The most outgoing person I have ever met!
From one of u're biggest fans in Norway!
Dear God, please take care of my little girl,
The one with big eyes, and soft brown curls.
She was special, as you should know,
I really didn't want to let her go.
She touched the hearts of everyone she knew.
Letting her go was so hard to do.
Her smile could brighten up the darkest room.
I wish you didn't have to take her so soon.
Tell her I promise to see her again someday
When that will be, I really can't say
I promise to make up for the time that's past
To hold her and comfort her, in my arms at last.
Love and miss you every day.
My dear Viv
10 years today, you left us, I cant believe its been that long, seens such a long time, but its not, time has stood still when it comes to you.
I hide my tears when i say your name
But the pain in my heart is still the same
Although i smile and seem carefree
there is no one who misses you
.....more than me
Always and forever, my girl...Mum
It's been 10 years today. Greif makes us think that life freezes up, stops and yet, one finds a new normal.
Your photo next to me and candles lit this morning with my coffee. I still miss your antics, your laugh and beautiful spirit. Everytime that I stumble across this poem,I think of you. Love as always ,forever.
Do not stand at my grave and weep I am not there.
I do not sleep. I am a thousand winds that blow.
I am the diamond glints on snow. I am the sunlight on ripened grain.
I am the gentle autumn rain.
When you awaken in the morning's hush I am the swift uplifting rush Of quiet birds in circled flight. I
I am the soft stars that shine at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry;
I am not there. I did not die.
Mary Elizabeth Frye
On the 3 August 2016 (the day before your birthday) Moka came to join you and left us all behind to feel his loss. Another pain that we must endure, another heartache to go through, more pain, more hurt.
My dear dear Moka, you know the pain we feel for you is real. You left us so suddenly that for a moment in time, the world stopped, I closed my eyes and watched you as you past through my mind, this young boy, who had the world to conquer, the mischief in your smile, the way you enjoyed life, they way you made life fun, even though you were made to pay for it in some way or another, the risks you took, all in the name of fun, that smile that told on you everytime....without fail. The long walks you used to take, especially the one from Kaikohe to Opononi, it must of been a good night....hahahaha, and still you smile your way through it. That is one memory that will not be forgotten. You left good memories my dear, ones to treasure for eternity.
Another big hole left in our lives, and everyday we will walk through our lives forever thinking of you and Viv. Watch over Daniel, John Peter, and Pango, help them to cope with this pain of loss, help them to laugh again, help them to shed their tears of loss, but most of all help them through their pain and hurt....for they will need your guidance through this.
Forever remembered Moka, my love will forever endure....aroha mo ake ake, Aunty Milz.
My darling Viv, you now have Moka sitting by your side, and I guess you two will be causing havoc amongst the stars.... light up the skies my beautiful angels....with all my love forever. mo ake ake....Mum
Kia ora e hoa!
It's been quite a while since our last post to you we know! Lots of wonderful things have continued for us and we still feel you around us everyday. Our mahi is going well, Manea will be 3 this year and she has grown to love kapahaka, kuki airani dancing, playing her ukelele and singing like there's no tomorrow. Christmas is fast approaching as well as the warm weather but come on, give us a break with the rain. Some of us have washing to dry know how OCD I am!!!
We miss you everyday and will call in for another visit soon. Lots and lots of hugs and kisses. Lawson, Kellee and Manea xoxoxoxoxoxo
....and another year goes by without you in it, but regardless of all that, you are always near, in many many ways my dear. I see you in everything you loved and everyone you loved.
Missing you more and more as time goes on and thinking of our Moka as well. Miss him everytime i think of him. Hope you two are behaving for Nan. Love you forever my darling Viv
Arohanui tino nui ki a koe me Moka. xxxxxx
....every minute, every hour, every day, your never far away from my thoughts. Is it getting easier, no, its not, though the tears become less, the memories remain, the heart still aches, the mind still reminices, the past sneaks up and I see you again.
Missing you always my darling. Loves forever, mum
Kia ora e hoa! Thought lots about you, another year has passed but the pain still remains. I talk about you to our baby all the time. The funny and full of life woman that you were. Manea will be starting School next year, can't believe time has flown by so quickly. You will always be in our hearts e hoa. Will write to you again soon. Arohanui Lawson, Kellee and Manea xxx
i thought about you the other day and your smiley face and laugh.
OMG.....2018 went by so fast and we are now in 2019, Your anniversary is coming up soon, and 13 years has been quite a journey and you have been with me every step of the way. You now have aunty Sonia and uncle John, who have joined you, so your cousins have had huge losses and the whanau have stood by them every inch of the way, as Im sure you and Moka have in some way.
I still miss you and still think of you often and wish every day that you were still here in person, but, you know what, you are here.
Love you my darling
I wish heaven had visiting hours
Kia ora e hoa! 2019 is here and as mentioned to you before our baby has finally started Kura which she loves! I think she's going to be the next kapahaka/gymnastics queen. Your anniversary has passed, and I think about the things we would have got up to if you were still with us. But whilst you're not here physically, you are spiritually and for that we are grateful. Until we meet again my friend, we love you. Arohanui Lawson, Kellee and Manea xoxoxo
Hello my darling
Your birthday has come along again, even though you are not here, i quietly wish you birthday greetings...for me this day will always arrive, as it is the day you came into mylife and forever will remain.
Not much happened to celebrate, my darling, i spent the day alone with you in my thoughts. I looked at photos of you, smiled and cried. I wish i could ring you like i used too. I wish you would ring me, like you used too, no matter where in the world you were, you would always ring. I miss those spontaneous actions of yours. I love you Viv.
still missing you after all these years.
forever my darling
My dear mate!
I'm so sorry I haven't been on here in a very long time, I've even missed your birthday...arohamai. We still think of you often, especially these most recent times as I've travelled through the Central North Island. Looking at the Mountains remind me of you, the Turangi Golf Club, Huka falls and similar landscapes. Just reminds me of your vivacious life and the life you brought to many, especially mine. We are well my friend, our girl is growing and blessing us everyday.
Miss you mate, god bless
Lawson, Kellee and Manea xoxoxo
Happy new year our friend!! Hope you're keeping well up there. A great start to 2020 so far! Renovating our home, our girl starting her 2nd year at Primary in a few weeks and we've just celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary. Life has been wonderful for us, we are truly grateful. Thinking of you always, Arohanui LKM xoxoxo
Thinking of you today our dear mate with your anniversary coming up. It's a beautiful day here today, and I should be outside cleaning our yard as it's well overdue. Hope you are well, lots of aroha! LKM xoxoxo
My darling Viv,
Another year goes by and another birthday without you here. It never gets easy because every year,theres an anniversary, theres a birthday, theres mothers day, theres xmas, theres new years, memories that we shared together no matter where you were, you aleays called to wish me a happy what ever, on these days.....sooo yeah, I still miss you, i still see you, i still hear you and I will always love you.
My dear Moka, another year gone, but never forgotten, you are always in my thoughts and in my heart. Missing you and Viv will always be apart our lives. Forever loved my darling angels.
Mum and Aunty
i thought of viv tonight for some reason, i still see your smile and your laugh, you left a lasting impression. you always made me feel welcome.
Kia ora our dear mate. Merry Xmas and Happy new year for 2022. We miss you lots and still reminisce, especially when we travel through Turangi or even to Marton. By now you would've had a visit from my parents who have joined your beautiful world. So strange without them, give them my love!
Our baby is now 8 years old and is such a joy to us. We're planning to travel your way during the holidays so we will call in to see you. We love and miss you always. Arohanui LKM xxx
Sat here in Norway with Bobo and Camila, you popped into our thoughts as you often do. Remembering the good old days when we all worked together in Norway, with out a care in the world. Living in the moment and living our best lives. Lots has change since then, you’re living in a different world, Bobo and Camila are married with 3 kids, my love life is still a disaster but I have 12 awesome dogs! Keep living the dream Miss Blake where ever it is you went. We are so privileged to of had you in our lives, even if only for a short time. Big hugs Becky, Camila and Bobo.
Dearest Viv
My last message to you was on 04/08/2020, 4 years ago, and its now 18 years since you've been gone. You have travelled with me on all my journeys, and every day you are still in my thoughts, your name is still mentioned within the whanau, and the mention of your name, still brings laughter, OMG's, and many many memories. Your brother has now got 5 girls and a son, born on the 14/06/2024, yes, he finally got his son. Your 3 uncles have now joined you on your side, and I miss them dearly. Your namesake has a lot of your characteristics, and so does Anahera, (4th in line) many, many things she does, has you written all over her. Sooooo, with all these things in mind, your never far away from our thoughts.
Its nice to see a lot of your friends come and still leave messages for you, and I just want to thank them for keeping you close to them..........."You have that magic touch"
Never forgotten, always remembered
Aroha nui tonu, Viv
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